Mental Health Resources 

The template below is a tool to highlight which key strategies you can use to improve your mental health. Feel free to complete this exercise as many times as you like, as we know that over the course of the ilumen campaign you will face different challenges that may require different strategies.

Personal Development Plan

Regular meditation has been proven to deliver significant health and well-being benefits. In the meditations below –  uROk guided meditations, Sari Mustonen-Kirk blends science with spirituality, and neuro-linguistic programming with visualisation to deliver a range of different mind journeys to help you relax, unwind, heal and sleep. Sari’s soothing voice together with the gentle, ambient soundscapes and calming meditative visuals all combine to induce a deeply relaxed state.


ilumen is the mental health equivalent of getting your blood pressure measured. It’s a simple way to get a picture of your overall mental health, objectively using physiological and psychological data. We know that a lot of users who participate in using ilumen are surprised by some of their results, and were pleased to learn that there might be some simple actions to take that could help make life easier. If you are travelling well, it doesn’t hurt to know if you and your body are on the same page.

Absolutely. Your results are protected by legal and professional codes of practice to protect your privacy. If you’ve joined as part of an organisation, your results will be included in an overall de-identified report back to your organisation.

Your organisation will NOT be able to access your personal information or report. Your organisation will receive a de-identified dashboard of organisational mental health to improve the mental health of your organisation.

Your report may prompt you to visit a primary care practitioner such as a GP, Family Physician or Psychologist. If you don’t have a GP, call your local medical centre and ask for a doctor with an interest in mental health, taking your report with you will help.

Your organisations EAP may also provide a way to access help. If the matter is urgent or you need to speak to a counsellor now, please view the Global Crisis Helplines section below for your national local services.

No longer is mental health all about a couch and answering personal questions. We can now use physiological information from your body to look at your mental health. A wearable device allows us to capture biometrics which tells us about your body’s current physiological state.

No trouble at all, you can still use ilumen! The biometric measure of mental health is only one component of ilumen, and if you do not have a device you will still be able to access the assessment and your personalised report, with full access to the ilumen resources suite to help you take the next step to improve or strengthen your mental health.

Yes, please click here to request your data be deleted;

Global Crisis Helplines

Emergency Numbers

Emergency Services: 000

Non-Emergency Number: 13 11 14

General Websites

Emergency Numbers

Emergency Services: 111
Non-Emergency Services: 09 5222 999 (Auckland)
Non-Emergency Services: 0800 543 354 (Rest of NZ)

General Websites

Emergency Numbers


Emergency Services: 999
Samaritans– 116 123
HopeLine UK – 0800 068 414


Emergency Services: 999
Samaritans – 116 123
Lifeline – 0808 808 8000

General Websites

Emergency Numbers

Emergency Services: 911
 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

General Websites

Emergency Numbers

Emergency Services: 911
Crisis Services Canada: 1-833-456-4566 toll-free (In QC: 1-866-277-3553)
Mental Health Mobile Crisis Telephone Line: 902-429-8167
Association Candienne Pour la Prevention Du Suicide: 819-339-3356

Emergency Numbers

European Emergency Number: 112

France (English Speaking)

Suicide Ecoute: 0 0033 145 39 4000
SOS Help: 01 46 21 46 46


Telefonseelsorge Deutschland (National) German speaking: 0800 -111 0 222
English speaking: 030-44 01 06 07


Samaritans: 800 86 00 22

General Websites

Emergency Numbers

Befrienders International, Tokyo: +81 (0) 3 5286 9090
BI Suicide Prevention Centre, Osaka: +81 (0) 6 4395 4343
Tokyo English Lifeline: 107-0062
TellJP Counselling: 03 5774 0992
Face to Face: 03 3498 0231

Emergency Numbers
Emergency Services: 112
Samaritans Mumbai: +91 8422984528, +91 8422984529, +91 8422984530
AASRA: 91-22-27546669
Sneha India: – 91 44 24640050